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#Waltztober Premieres

Waltztober Events

The month of October brought with it three screenings of Waltz! The 17th saw the long-awaited world premiere screening of Waltz, which took place at the Lindsay Theater in Sewickley, PA. The screening was followed by a Q&A with the cast and some of the crew, including stars Hannah Keeley and David Dietz, Director Josh Maley, Director of Photography Kevin Kukler, Editor Holly Grayson, and Special Effects Manager Jason Proakis.

On the 24th, another screening was held at Freddy's Haunts, a primary shooting location of the film. This screening was attended by much of the crew of Freddy's Haunts. Then on the 26th, a final screening was held at The Grand theater in McDonald, PA, which served as the premiere edition of the "McScareFest" film festival, hosted by local filmmaker and "Romero" zombie, Mike Ancas. The 2-day festival saw a number of notable local films, including Mike's own documentary on George Romero, "Chasing Zombies." Waltz closed out the festival on Saturday night.

The next festival on the docket is February's Horror Realm, to be held Feb 28-Mar 2 at the Crowne Plaza, Pittsburgh South. Get your tickets here! And check out the image gallery from Waltzober below!


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