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Auditions Now Open

We are currently casting for our upcoming psychological horror feature, Waltz. If you would like to audition for one of the roles, this is the post for you.


There are two ways to submit an audition for Waltz:

  1. Direct E-mail. Send the below-required information (see "What to Submit" section below) to our casting department directly at:

  2. Apply via


Every audition should contain the following items:

  1. Current resume and headshot

  2. Demo reel or clips to existing work

  3. The name of the role for which you are applying

  4. Any possible scheduling conflicts for the month of August

If you're missing any of the above, please indicate this in your e-mail. We understand it can be tough to get a reel put together sometimes. If you're missing everything--in other words if you're new and trying to break-in--this probably is not the project to start with. But we appreciate your interests and hope you'll keep an eye out for future casting calls.


Our audition process has several steps.

  1. Review of your materials and experience. If we feel you may be a fit, we will ask you to proceed to the next step.

  2. Video Audition. We will send you the Sides for the character you're interested in and ask you to record a video and upload it to YouTube, Vimeo, or wherever is convenient. If you can't record an audition, we can set up a Skype or Zoom meeting.

  3. For some roles, the video audition may be the final step. For others, we may offer an in-person audition and pair you with other actors to get a feel for the dynamic and chemistry. This audition will be filmed and you will need to be off-book for the scene.

  4. Call Backs. If necessary, we may hold a round of in-person callbacks.

Hopefully that clears up any confusion about what to expect. Now let's get to the roles being cast!

LEAD ROLE. Female, mid-20s. Down on her luck, out of work, gets unconventional about it, and lands herself in trouble. Should be sweet, very pretty, but with a darkness underneath the beauty.

PRIMARY SUPPORTING. Female. Early-mid 20s. Seems a bit mousy, shy, and naive but hides a very big personality underneath. Under normal circumstances, you’d look right past her. When her dark side comes out, you don’t want to be around.

SUPPORTING (1). Male, Late 20s or 30s. A close friend of the LEAD probably has unrequited feelings for her. A bit scruffy and unconventional, maybe a touch Seth Rogen-y. Hell of a photographer. LEAD is out of his league and he knows it, but…

SUPPORTING (2). Male, 30s or 40s. LEAD’s former boss. Thinks he’s charming. Good at convincing others. Subtle hints of being a creeper.

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